Holistic Self Healing Approach
Becoming an Usui Reiki practitioner is a gift that is available to all human beings. Understanding how the energy of the Devine Universe works will help you heal with in and create a most prosperous life.
All the living organisms consist of an energy force. Everything around us has an energy force field. When we are more connected with nature we are able to feel those energy forces. When we are in tune with our higher wisdom we are able to receive and channel that Universal Life Energy. Usui Reiki is a style of living, it teaches us how to properly use this Universal Life Energy for bettering our own wellbeing and others.
The Original Reiki Ideals
The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today do not be angry
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people
Every morning and evening join your hands in prayer
pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind
The founder. . . Usui Mikao
As a Usui Reiki healer, one must know the basics of the technique so they can maintain their high vibration, stay clear, cleansed, radiant as well as be able to facilitate self healing. Thus you become a better, clearer channel for the Universe to work through you. Though we are not considered doctors in Western Civilization, however we have the ability to guide and channel magnificent and extraordinary powers. Healers must believe in miracles, miracles do happen.
Seven Chakra healing chart that includes: aromatherapy, crystals, herbs, and foods.
Julie King
Julie King is an internationally acclaimed musician, professional member of Academy of the Grammy, International Breath Foundation and International Reiki Center Association. Julie holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from California Institute of the Arts in Opera Vocal performance. Certified Clarity Breathwork practitioner, Master Teacher Usui and Karuna Reiki, Life Coach, and is an active veda – psychology mentor at Drevs Ayurveda school.
Julie was taught how to sing mantra-meditations by Tibetian Monks and Saragam by Swapan Chaudhuri. She is an expert in various breathing techniques including Clarity Breathwork, Tao of Breath, Holotropic Breathing, Alexander Breathing Technique and Strelnikova Breathing techniques. She has been on speaker panels for Cabo Breath Festival in Mexico Rebirthing Summit, as well as Breathe for Life at the Life University in Sweden. Julie has been interviewed by Kathleen Riley from Deepark Chopra spiritual network Awake TV.
Learn how to unlock the 7 chakras and their innate healing powers.
Light body activation refers to the accelerating development of the human energy system.
This therapeutic breathing method uses breath retention exercises.
Somatic healing is a type of holistic healing.
Level 2 a “universal energy” is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner.