Your Inner Journey



Trans BreathTM is a multi-dimensional program of self-healing, relaxation, restoration, rejuvenation, and transformation, resulting in a gentle integration of the experience.


Trans BreathTM is a multi-dimensional program of self-healing, relaxation, restoration, rejuvenation, and transformation, resulting in a gentle integration of the experience. This technique enables you to connect to your Divinity and peace within without having to hash up old traumas or anxieties while awakening a deeper understanding of our oneness of conscious, subconscious, and superconscious self. Trans BreathTM creates a safe space to explore more deeply our mental, emotional, and spiritual energy bodies while being physically engaged and relaxed.Trans BreathTM is a combination of ten years of research and experience that incorporates:Tantra, Tao-Buddhism, Thai-Chi, Down-Trance Hypnotherapy, Theta Hz Frequency Reiki Energy Healing Ayurveda Psychology, Awareness Neurolinguistics, NLP Shamanic Healing Sounds, Frequency Tuning Chakra Energy Centers.The intention behind this breathwork technique stems from the philosophy of Shinto Shamanism.Tzu means “compassion” Chi means “energy” Tzu Chi is “compassionate energy release.” This handbook is a stepping stone to those training to become facilitators as well as anyone eager to discover who they are on the inside.


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